The Lifetime Achievement Award, along with life membership, is the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a WABUA member. Recipients of this prestigious award have made major contributions to the WABUA and baseball in Western Australia over a sustained period.
2012 - Frank Roberston 6-time Umpire of the Year, ABL umpire for 6 seasons, WABUA President for 10 years, WABUA Life Member, former WABUA Parton and Honorary Auditor, served as Baseball WA Tribunal Chairman for 12 years upon his retirement as an active umpire.
2012 -Rob Robson 1-time Minor Grade Umpire of the Year, 1-time Meritorious Service Award winner, WABUA Life Member, made outstanding contributions to the construction of Baseball Park and served on the park's original ground crew.
2012 -Mick Mount Claxton Shield umpire on 3 occasions, WABUA Secretary for 6 years, WABUA Life Member, made outstanding contributions to development of junior baseball in WA, Baseball WA Little League State Championship Development Shield named in his honour.
2013- Mark Richardson 1-time Umpire of the Year, 4-time Meritorious Service Award winner, ABL and IBLA umpire for 11 seasons for 163 games (a record for WA umpires), WABUA President for 3 years, WABUA Treasurer for 15 years, WABUA Life Member, continues to make outstanding contributions to baseball in WA by writing fixtures for all Baseball WA metropolitan competitions.